

My name is Nellie Papali’i and I overlook all our wonderful designers. This has been my second year in this role and I absolutely love it!

PFFS is a great opportunity for Emerging designers of Pacific and Maori descent to assist with taking their brand to the next level and I am so grateful to be a part of a passionate team to help promote all these talented local and international designers.

We have 12 Designers showcasing this year, eight local designers and four from overseas; Samoa, Hawaii, Utah and Australia. All of which I have had the honour and privilege of working with these past few months to give them the support to pursue their creative endeavours. We are leading the charge to help Designers on their journey by supporting them in all aspects of the fashion industry.

We ran a workshop last month where local Designers could attend and our international designers were able to Skype in to hear from an Established Designer Agnes Loheni of Mena Designs and on the weekend we held another workshop where a BNZ Bank rep spoke about business planning and Stellar Muller of Bright Sunday covered Marketing, Media and PR. I believe the insights, ideas and knowledge shared by these amazing individuals is what makes these workshops invaluable to enhancing a Designer’s progress for any future projects. At such a pivotal stage of our Designer’s careers, this whole experience can be an opportunity in their learning and personal career development.

Our Designer team consists of myself and Pamela Tanoi, it is because of the Passion, Commitment and Belief we both share in the PFFS vision, we happily provide Designers the essential expertise, support and continuous encouragement from beginning to the end. This stellar team would not be complete without the amazing work of our Modelling and Operations department, but most importantly our great leader and Director Nora Swann.

It’s been a very sincere and humbling experience thus far and I am excited to see all the hard work and dedication of our Designer’s being showcased for all to see next month!